New registration categories for the EWC

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Consultation Response 

Welsh Government 

Deadline for submission: 17th March 2023 

We have advocated the need for exemptions, where appropriate and reasonable, in order to support Welsh language opportunities when they are presented. Colleges may hire trainers on an ad hoc basis or have volunteers from industry to teach classes in order to share specific expertise in an area, therefore having these exemptions will ensure those Welsh speaking learners will not be at a disadvantage if, for example, one off Welsh-medium training is required.

In terms of definitions, though we broadly agree, it should be recognised that Further Education Corporations and designated FE Institutions deliver ACL provision across all regions in Wales. Giving reference to practitioners in a community-based venue gives clear distinction between community delivery and on-site FE campus provision.

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Policy Officer, Amy Evans, with any questions. 

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