14-16 learning under the new curriculum

Faceless students in college grounds.jpg

Consultation Response

Welsh Government 

Deadline for submission: 8th May 2024 

ColegauCymru highlighted the need to see the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research (CTER) and the Welsh Government prioritise the development of a new 14-19 learning and transition pathway which must include greater opportunities for learners in Years 10 and 11 to be able to access vocational education in college. In order to ensure that all 14-16 year olds receive a full picture of their options post-16, it is essential that schools engage meaningfully with colleges, however we are concerned that the statutory guidance does not set out mandatory requirements for how schools should engage with colleges, it only offers suggestions which schools can choose not to accept.

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Policy Officer, Amy Evans, with any questions.

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