Cymraeg Gwaith+ is a new scheme in the further education sector and we are already in the second term with a new cohort of learners starting on Wednesday. The 10-week plan is tailored for staff in further education colleges who are keen to develop more confidence in using their Welsh skills in the workplace. The main focus of the provision is to develop confidence in order to use the Welsh language in the workplace, mainly with learners.
During the 10-week period, staff from further education colleges across Wales will attend online sessions together with an experienced tutor from Learn Welsh north west. The provision is for learners studying at Intermediate and Advanced levels. The purpose of these sessions is to change linguistic habits and raise the confidence of speakers, so that they use Welsh when they would normally use English.
We spoke with the Autumn term cohort of Cymraeg Gwaith+ learners at the end of their 10 weeks in order to get their responses feedback in order to improve the provision. The learners noted that the course had been at the right level for them, and setting aside a specific time for practicing Welsh had been beneficial. According to the learners, the time in the class went quickly and the learning experience was a positive one. The guest speakers were praised, with the learners adding that listening to different accents is useful as well as learning about useful resources for the workplace.
One learner said,
"There was a lot of opportunity for conversation, and to listen, all that was needed - wonderful!"
and another,
"Things like this have been great - to talk to each other and see our progress".
The group worked extremely well together and were eager to keep in touch and arrange a time to meet face to face.
Thank you to the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Sgiliaith and Canolfan Bedwyr for providing guest speakers during the term. With funding from the National Center for Learning Welsh, ColegauCymru coordinates the Cymraeg Gwaith+ further education project for the further education college sector.
Gwybodaeth Bellach
Nia Brodrick, Project Officer