Further to last night’s announcement of a sharp increase in the confirmed number of Covid19 cases and the associated local lockdown for the County Borough of Caerphilly, the South East Regional Group of College Principals have today provided clarification and reassurance with regards to the continuing provision of further education in the area.
ColegauCymru Deputy Chair and Chair of the South East Wales Regional Group of College Principals Guy Lacey, said:
“Following consultation with Welsh Government and regional college principals earlier today, we are keen to reassure learners, parents and staff that college campuses across the South East Wales region will remain open and operational with no planned changes to the delivery of courses.”
The Lockdown will formally start from 6.00pm on Tuesday 8 September. It is essential that face to face learning continues as much as possible, particularly in the context of the loss of learning students have already faced over the past 6 months, and at the start of what is likely to be a busy and challenging academic year.
FE college learners and staff who live outside the County Borough of Caerphilly but who work or learn in a college campus within the Borough are permitted to continue to attend. Welsh Government have provided assurances that travel to FE college campuses is deemed as essential travel during this difficult time.
We will continue to work closely with Welsh Government colleagues as we closely monitor this fast-changing situation. Our priority, as always, remains the health, safety and wellbeing of our learners and staff.
Further Information
Learners, parents and staff who are affected by the Caerphilly lockdown are encouraged to follow their respective college websites and social media accounts for the latest updates and further guidance.
Coleg y Cymoedd | @ColegyCymoedd
The College Merthyr Tydfil | @CollegeMerthyr
Coleg Gwent | @ColegGwent
Cardiff and Vale College | @CAVC
Welsh Government Guidance:
Caerphilly County coronavirus lockdown
8 September 2020
Welsh Government Press Release:
Local lockdown restrictions imposed to control Caerphilly outbreak
7 September 2020