ColegauCymru has welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Senedd Children, Young People and Education Committee's inquiry into routes into post-16 education and training. Demand for further education and work-based learning is on the rise across Wales – over the past year enrolment for FE in the 16-18 age group has increased by 8.27%. ColegauCymru is calling for a national Vocational Education Strategy (VET Strategy) to link vocational education and training to Wales’ economic and industrial priorities.
A national VET strategy would provide a guiding framework for Qualifications Wales, awarding bodies and providers, and would ensure that there is a clear line of democratic accountability within the system. This strategy should articulate Wales’ philosophy for vocational education and training, including the importance of appropriate assessment, moving towards a focus on progression into work, ensure a strong voice for learners and employers, and allow colleges to meet local and regional priorities. Across all levels, pathways need to support learners and their progression, and the routes should not necessarily be driven by qualifications.
ColegauCymru Chief Executive, Dave Hagendyk, said,
“We’re pleased to have the opportunity to respond to the Children, Young People and Education Committee Inquiry on Routes into post-16 education and training.
We value the support from Welsh Government for the sector, and we have an opportunity now to ensure all young people can access the education path that is right for them. It is critical that all learners can access independent advice and guidance on post-16 education, so that they can make informed choices right for their journey and aspirations. This consultation is an opportunity to reiterate our call for a Vocational Education Strategy for Wales that will bring all parts of the pathway together.
This is also an opportunity for the Committee to understand the breadth and depth of work being undertaken in FE on tackling inequalities and providing learners with mental health and wellbeing support. This work has received support from Welsh Government but going forward will need long-term planning and financial support if services are to be sustainable.”
Further Information
Senedd Cymru Children, Young People and Education Committee
Routes into post-16 education and training
Submission deadline: 27 January 2025
Shaping the future of vocational education and training
April 2023
Clare Williams, Policy Officer