ColegauCymru pleased to be supporting Virtual Open Days

ColegauCymru is supporting a series of Virtual Open Days being held by Welsh Government this July.

During this difficult time, these events have been set up to engage Year 11 learners, to raise aspirations and to provide hope and reassurance for the future, especially given that the usual post- 16 open days cannot now take place in the same way as previously. Young people are likely to be adversely affected by Covid19, with these events providing them with an opportunity to mitigate this impact and to help them make informed choices.

It will also be a welcome opportunity to reassure both young people and parents alike that there are a range of suitable opportunities available to them.

The events will be split into 4 geographic regions – South East, South Central, South West and Mid, and North Wales. Learners will get advice and guidance from careers advisers, and learn more about schools and colleges, apprenticeships and traineeships.

The objectives of these events are to:

  • aid transition from Year 11 to post-16 study;
  • help young people choose the right pathway;
  • provide specific information about careers and qualifications;
  • promote the opportunities and qualifications available; and
  • create a repository of resources that are freely accessible to Year 11 learners, teachers and parents

What can students expect?

  • Live events with question and answer sessions will be key to the Virtual Days
  • Learners will be able to take a virtual tour of the school, college or learning provider campus
  • Pre-recorded content will also be available to view at a later date

Find our more

  • Visit the Working Wales website for further details on events taking place in your area.
  • Careers advisors will be on hand to provide impartial support and guidance.
  • Students and parents alike can seek support by calling 0800 028 4844 or emailing

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