ColegauCymru, Sport Wales and FE Colleges supporting Active Wellbeing during lockdown

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ColegauCymru, as part of its ongoing partnership with Sport Wales is excited to be part of the #BeActiveWales campaign aiming to keep Wales moving during the Coronavirus crisis. Experts, athletes and some famous faces have come together to provide the nation with exercise videos, session plans, motivation, nutritious recipes and lots more. There are multiple workout routines available on the #BeActiveWales website, whether you are looking for gentle exercise or an intense workout there is something for everyone.

The ColegauCymru Active Wellbeing Strategy launched in January 2020 also provides direction for the Further Education Sector in Wales on where alternative provision could be delivered. There is an emphasis on identifying new approaches for young people and college staff to be more active, recognising the ability of learners to use technology to promote exercise as while identifying clear links to better individual wellbeing. We have been working closely with the colleges to promote activity enhancing the positive emotional, physical and social wellbeing of college communities.

Here are some examples of what four of our colleges have been doing during the lockdown:

Coleg Cambria is ensuring that they prioritise physical health by using the Active Cambria Programme which centres around the benefits of good health and wellbeing. They are running live fitness classes every day for both learners and staff. They are also posting daily top tips on their Twitter account @ActiveCambria.

Learners that are enrolled on the Active Ambassadors Programme at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai have been supporting their local community. They’re also supporting GLlM Rygbi in designing a weekly Wellbeing Calendar to keep everyone mentally and physically healthy. There is plenty of evidence of what they’ve been doing on Twitter @GllmRygbi and @LlandrilloMenai.

Young Ambassadors (past and present) at NPTC Group have been filming games, workouts and daily challenges on their social media channels. All can be viewed on @nptcgetactive pages.

Gower College Swansea has also been making good use of their social media channels. They have been giving self-isolation tips daily. They are also uploading workout videos on their Twitter account @GCSActive for learners and staff to try such as HIIT, yoga and dance sessions.

We hope that colleges continue to provide this amazing support for learners, staff and the community. Keep up the good work! We will be providing more examples soon.

Further Information 

Rob Baynham, Sport and Active Wellbeing Project Manager 

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