Colleges across Wales welcome appointment of First Minister, Eluned Morgan

Senedd - Julian Nyča - CC BY-SA.jpg

Colleges across Wales welcome appointment of First Minister, Eluned Morgan

‘The election of Eluned Morgan as our new First Minister will be warmly welcomed by colleges across Wales. She has long been a friend of the further education sector and she understands the contribution it can play in driving economic growth, providing the skills for Net Zero and giving everyone the chance to realise their potential. There are serious funding pressures on further education however and it is vital that our learners and staff get the investment and resources they need’.

‘As the first ever woman to hold the post, I know she will be an inspiration to women learners and apprentices across Wales, demonstrating there is no limit to what they can achieve’.

‘It is vital that the First Minister recognises the value of further education, apprenticeships and adult education to the Welsh economy, but also the potential for colleges to work with schools to improve attendance and attainment’.

David Hagendyk, ColegauCymru Chief Executive

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