Creating a ‘whole college approach’ to ALN transformation

Ahead of the ALN meeting taking place this week, we are happy to share a video providing an introduction to the Additional Learning Needs Act, and the implications for lecturers and other staff in colleges. This short video was produced by ColegauCymru’s Digital Marketing and Communications Assistant, Hannah Murray, following a request from Coleg Sir Gâr. It has now been asked for by seven additional colleges.

The video is being used as part of colleges’ ‘Inclusive Practice’ training for academic staff, providing a clear overview and emphasising the importance that all staff are involved in meeting the needs of young people with ALN.

We have received excellent feedback so far:

“Thanks for the video, Chris. It was excellent and helped set the tone of the conference.”

Coleg Sir Gâr.

Colleges are busy delivering ‘Inclusive Practice’ training to teaching staff across Wales to widen the understanding of disability and improve differentiation within the classroom and workshop.

A link to the video is available here:

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