Draft Child Poverty Strategy for Wales 2023

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Consultation Response

Welsh Government
Deadline for submission: 11 September 2023

ColegauCymru are broadly supportive of the five objectives within the consultation document. We are pleased with the progress Welsh Government is making on breaking the cycle of poverty for children and young people with the increase in EMA allowance, and continuation of other funded Work-Based Learning (WBL) provision such as the Young Person’s Guarantee – a recognised route out of poverty for many individuals, particularly young people. However, there is still work to be done in order to ensure that no young person lives below the poverty line, and that education or training is accessible to all. ColegauCymru looks forward to the full review of EMA and the Learner Travel Measure – both of which are key to breaking down barriers for college and WBL learners to access further education or training. 

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Policy Officer, Amy Evans, with any questions.

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