FE colleges working together to develop the curriculum for learners with learning difficulties

On 8th November, FE Colleges from across Wales met to share effective practice in developing and delivering the new post-16 Independent Living Skills curriculum. ‘Creative Solutions ILS’ aims to change the way that FE works with learners in Independent Living Skills provision.

Anne Evans, project lead, began the day by updating delegates on the details of the roll out of the new Independent Living Skills curriculum for learners with learning difficulties which focuses on four pillars of learning; independence, health and well-being, employability and community. The current project aims to develop and publish a Curriculum Guidance toolkit and Self-assessment processes for Wales.

Delegates commented that Richard Tither’s (HMI Estyn) presentation was one of the most useful parts of the conference. He emphasised the importance of an honest and self-critical process considering the impact for learners and asking the question, ‘so what?’ when measuring progress and evaluating improvement. Mr Tither linkd this with an update on the Estyn frameworks and standards relevant for Post 16 work with learners with learning difficulties.

Throughout the day, each college had the opportunity to showcase their work, ask questions and look through resources that had been developed. During break times, delegates were able to watch short video clips showcasing effective practice that had been produced as part of the project.

In the afternoon, Chris Denham, ALN Transformation Lead FE, updated delegates on the progress of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018. Introducing an on-line area where information and resources about ALN transformation and Creative Solutions ILS is held.

The conference was an opportunity to work together to further develop ways to track learner progress and to measure quality as well as to celebrate the results of the projects that colleges had taken part in. The continued support of the Welsh Government, Estyn and senior management in FE colleges has been crucial and provides the sector with optimism for the future.

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