Final transnational meeting for the Erasmobility KA2 platform paves the way for future VET partnerships


Our European and International Project Manager Sian Holleran has this week attended a successful meeting in Romania to establish the future of the Erasmobility website.  

Erasmobility is a free online platform where colleges and vocational training centres help each other to develop international partnerships and opportunities for FE learners and staff across Europe. CollegesWales International is one of the partners to have worked on this project which will end in November 2022. Erasmobility has been created and developed by ten European partners.  

The nature of the open-source project means that CollegesWales International will still be able to use the platform to find partners for overseas mobilities despite no longer being a member of the EU. This will be of benefit to the FE sector in Wales as we work on fulfilling the aims of our Internationalisation strategy by promoting and expanding participation in mobility programmes. such as the newly launched Welsh Government programme, Taith. 

The meeting was held at Liceul Tehnologic Alexe Marin in Slatina, Romania. The project partners were greeted warmly by staff and students at the technology school some of whom were dressed in traditional costumes. In addition to providing the meeting venue, staff at the school had also baked traditional Romanian food for the delegates and organised a visit to a local monastery and a Romanian restaurant.  

The meeting discussed the long-term plan for the platform and how it would be hosted and maintained once the project ends in November 2022.  

Sian said, 

“The great news at the start of the meeting was that the future of the Erasmobility platform is secure with a German organisation interested in hosting and maintaining the platform long term. Erasmobility will continue to be used by CollegesWales to source partners for its mobility projects.”  

Further Information 

Erasmobility – Work Placement Exchanges Platform 
Contact CollegesWales International Project Manager, Sian Holleran, for further Information.

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