Have Your Say - GCSEs in Wales are changing

GCSE Results.jfif

Consultation Response

Qualifications Wales 

Deadline for Submission: 14 December 2022

We noted the concern around the size of the proposed combined GCSEs, and the affect this will have on timetabling and learner contact hours. We also highlighted questions around how the proposals will impact on staff development.

Feedback from our Curriculum and Quality Group highlighted questions regarding those learners studying Junior Apprenticeships, whether creating a bigger GCSE qualification will discourage those who have specifically chosen not to follow an academic route as their main qualification?

We have requested greater detail on the consideration Qualifications Wales has given to higher education and employment opportunities, and how the portability of the new GCSEs will be ensured. Finally, we are seeking clarity on how the new GCSEs will be awarded as larger qualifications which do not receive a higher credit value.

Please contact ColegauCymru Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Rachel Cable, with any queries.

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