ColegauCymru Internationalisation Strategy - Your questions answered


ColegauCymru International Project Manager Siân Holleran answers some key questions on the new Strategy.

Why have you developed an Internationalisation Strategy for the FE sector in Wales?

ColegauCymru commissioned a research report in 2020 entitled Internationalisation in the FE sector in Wales. One of the report’s key recommendations was to develop a strategic vision for the sector that would raise learners’ aspirations and broaden their horizons, inform professional practice and improve provision as well as raising the profile of international work in the FE sector. 

What are your key strategic priorities?

The Strategy has four key priorities:

  • Inspirational global experiences for staff and learners Using Taith and other mobility programme funding to facilitate exciting overseas opportunities 
  • Leadership, teaching and learning Exploring how to embed international experiences into the FE curriculum 
  • Purposeful partnerships and promoting Wales Developing partnerships in Wales and overseas to increase the sector’s international engagement  
  • Developing international business Aiming to build capacity within the sector to take advantage of international commercial opportunities 

How will you monitor the implementation of the Strategy? 
We established a Strategic International Group in 2021 with representatives from all FE colleges across Wales. This Group developed the Internationalisation Strategy and is currently working on an implementation plan for the short, medium and long term. This plan will also detail our measures of success. 
What benefits will there be for learners and staff? 
We aim to provide equal access to overseas opportunities to all FE learners and staff. For learners, overseas experiences will broaden their horizons and raise their aspirations, making a positive contribution to their progress through education and on to future employment. FE staff will have opportunities to share best practice with colleagues overseas, participate in training or job shadowing, as well as sharing lessons learned with their organisations in Wales. 
How can FE colleges get involved in these opportunities? 
All colleges are represented on the International Group and details of overseas opportunities are regularly shared. Alternatively, contact Siân Holleran or Vicky Thomas for further information. 

Further Information

Internationalisation Strategy set to broaden teaching and learning horizons in FE
26 September 2022

ColegauCymru Interantionalisation Strategy
September 2022

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