Post-EU regional development funding


Consultation Response

Senedd Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee

Deadline for submission: 21 April 2023

We responded to the Economy Trade and Rural Affairs Committee consultation into Post-EU regional development funding.

We highlighted the varying degrees of engagement from local authorities throughout the process. Where there have been some good examples of best practice in North and West Wales, other regions have found it difficult to identify suitable points of contact to speak to within the local authority.

We noted our positive engagement with the representatives of the UK Government Wales Office Department for Levelling Up, as it serves as a forum for colleges to share their experiences,  voice concerns, and provide feedback in real time as the programme develops.

Significant delays have shortened the delivery window and therefore impacted the potential benefits of projects. SPF allocations at a local level are again significantly delayed with some projects mobilising at the end of Year 1 and others being procured/mobilised well into Year 2, reducing potential delivery from three years to as little as 18-months (including any closure period and evaluation activity).

It is critical that SPF funds reach the areas and learners in greatest need of support. Ensuring support is delivered to learners, means the best outcomes for the economy and Wales as a whole.

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Policy Officer, Amy Evans, with any questions. 

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