Strategic Priorities for the Children, Young People and Education Committee

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Strategic Priorities 

Senedd Children, Young People and Education Committee
Deadline for Submission: 17 September 2021

ColegauCymru calls on the new Committee to explore a range of topics. In the short term these include the proposed Commission for Tertiary Education and Research and Impact of Covid on assessment and grading, in relation to results in 2022. 

Over the longer term, the Committee should investigate the issue of competition for post-16 learners; raising the age of compulsory engagement with education or training to 18; advanced technical and higher technical skills and a potential review of Qualifications Wales; dual professionalism; and importantly the impact of the New Curriculum for Wales on post-16 education.

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Dr Rachel Bowen, with any questions. 

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