The journey towards a more equal Wales – the contribution of ColegauCymru and colleges in Wales


In 2022, ColegauCymru set up a new strategic group focussing on Equality and Diversity, bringing college staff together to discuss issues around equity and inclusion affecting the further education (FE) sector. Over the past two years, the group has flourished into a hub for sharing new and best practice to help the sector in Wales become a more equal and safe education setting.

Here, the group’s new Chair and Bridgend College Principal and Chief Executive, Viv Buckley, shares her thoughts so far on colleges’ contribution to a more equal Wales.

Planning for future generations

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 sets out Seven Well-being Goals to ensure that all public bodies in Wales think about the long-term impact of their decisions. Research published this year shows the contribution of colleges to all seven goals, and this includes a more equal Wales by creating,

“A society that enables people to fulfil their potential no matter what their background or circumstances (including their socio-economic background and circumstances).”

Colleges in Wales have embraced the spirit of the Future Generations Act, and are working to ensure that all learners fulfil their potential, including by formulating strategic equality plans that act as a basis for embedding a culture of equality, where everyone is treated equally.

Taking practical steps in the journey to equality and diversity

In early 2024, Welsh Government provided ColegauCymru with project funding to support colleges with the development of their Strategic Equalities Plans and Equality Impact Assessments. A key output from this project is an overarching shared vision for equality for the FE sector:

“The FE sector in Wales believes that all learners have the right to world-class education, delivered in a safe, diverse and inclusive setting, where both staff and learners are encouraged to succeed by being their authentic selves.

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is not a tick box exercise - it is everyone’s responsibility. The entire FE sector, from senior leaders, to support staff, lecturers, and learners will be inspired to celebrate the differences between people, recognising the strengths and benefits of a diverse, inclusive society.

Colleges will strive to become trauma-informed institutions, ensuring that learners feel safe and empowered to achieve. It is vital that college staff, from senior leaders down, reflect the diversity and population of the communities they serve. However, drawing on the existing FE workforce alone will not address the significant challenge of building a more diverse workforce. Therefore, the sector is committed to working with outside stakeholders to recognise and nurture the talent already available within our communities, and to encourage more people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds to embark on a career in FE. Welsh Government has identified that Medr must put the learner at the heart of decision-making by focusing on both their experiences of the tertiary system and their wellbeing. This will provide an opportunity for learner voice to influence EDI policies and practices within Medr.

Finally, the FE sector in Wales is dedicated to creating equity for all, through embedding EDI holistically throughout all its services, and endeavour to continually take a proactive approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.”

Working together as a sector to effect change

This academic year, the Equality and Diversity Group will be focusing on a collaborative project supported by Welsh Government, looking at tackling harassment in FE. Colleagues came together in May 2024 to discuss shared language and definitions around the terms used by learners and staff when reporting harassment. The thinking from the meeting then informed discussions at the sector wide “Tackling Peer-on-Peer Abuse” conference, which was held in June 2024. ColegauCymru has since been successful in securing Taith Pathway 2 funding to partner with Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) to establish a Community of Practice between colleges in Wales and Canada to address some of the issues raised in Estyn’s report Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among 16- to 18-year-old learners in further education. The project’s aim is to build a transnational Community of Practice, which will bring together FE staff from Wales and our Canadian partner, CICan, with a common interest in this field, to share knowledge, develop new learning, and collate examples of best practice through case studies. 

Right across Wales, all FE institutions, have agreed their own Anti-Racism Action Plans to take a pro-active approach to anti-racism. The sector has developed shared resources for learners and staff which has led to the delivery of bespoke training and development of anti-racist action plans specific to each college. This overarching vision to eradicate racism in FE and to further the interests and diversity of learners, demonstrates the FE sector’s dedication to creating a more equal Wales by addressing disparities and fostering inclusion. Whilst I am proud of the journey colleges have made so far towards becoming anti-racist institutions, I recognise there is more to be done.

Looking ahead to the future

I look forward to taking on the role of Chair of the Equality and Diversity Group, and thank my colleague Mike James, Cardiff and Vale College, for his work leading the group to date. I am committed to ensuring that all learners and staff experience not only equality, but also equity of opportunity and resource so that everyone can reach their full potential.

Further Information

Viv Buckley, Principal and Chief Executive, Bridgend College

Viv is a skilled teaching practitioner and leader, having worked in several institutions across Wales in both teaching and leadership roles across further and higher education. In 2022, Viv was awarded ‘Outstanding Educator’ at the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics World Congress leadership summit held in Spain, international recognition of her impact and work within the post-16 education sector and at Bridgend College. Viv was also shortlisted in the Chwarae Teg’s Womenspire Awards in 2021 and won the Leading Wales award for Leadership in the Public Sector. She was appointed as the first female Principal and Chief Executive of Bridgend College in September 2023.

ColegauCymru Equality and Diversity Strategic Group

Amy Evans, Policy Officer

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