#TeachPod - Thinking about resilience

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This is a podcast in the company of Helen Lloyd Post-16 Subject Coordinator and DSW Health and Care for Coleg Cymraeg and Carys Swain Manager of Student Services and the Welsh Language at Bridgend College. The theme of this Podcast is 'Thinking about resilience', and the discussion includes a conversation about Bloom UK resources. Bloom UK is a program by Mental Health UK which encourages and helps adolescent students to develop resilience/endurance skills so that they can help themselves and their peers through key periods in their lives. Helen Lloyd is one of the programme's associate trainers and is mainly responsible for providing sessions in Welsh to colleges and schools throughout Wales. We also get a glimpse of some of the plans and projects that are in place in our colleges when dealing with and discussing the 'Meddwl am ty dyhind' College Bridgend scheme and how they have gone about it with the intention of organizing a package of support for learners and was recognized for that in a recent thematic survey by ESTYN.

This is a Welsh language podcast.


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