Further education colleges across Wales are today congratulating learners on achieving GCSE and other results in what has been an unprecedented and challenging year.
They are also pledging their assurance of a college place to every school leaver receiving results today. In light of the recent government decision on the awarding of examination grades based on centre assessment grades, colleges are looking forward to supporting and guiding learners to take their next steps in education.
In practical terms, this means that colleges are being flexible and fair in their admissions process, offering enhanced enrolment and initial assessment. The news that came yesterday evening of the delay in the publication of BTEC qualifications by awarding organisation Pearson will also be taken into account. This will ensure that each student is placed on the most suitable course and one that takes their choices into account as far as possible.
ColegauCymru Chair Dafydd Evans said,
“We wholeheartedly congratulate learners today as they receive their results, following what has been a particularly anxious few weeks. We also thank their families and our teaching staff for the support given to learners which has enabled them to reach this point.”
“Our Learner Services and Admissions teams are on hand to provide advice and support on the next stage of learning, even for those BTEC students who have not received their results today. We urge students to contact their local college to find out more about the options available to them.”
With a broad offering, further education colleges are ideally placed to be able to meet a wide range of needs, allowing them to support all types of learners to achieve their potential. Colleges will be using all the information young people bring with them about their prior learning to help inform admissions procedures. Irrespective of GCSE outcomes, FE colleges will provide all learners with the appropriate level of support to aid them to study for academic or vocational qualifications.
Colleges have also spent the summer preparing to meet the changes needed as a result of Covid-19 to make sure that both learners and staff are safe, supported, and ready for their next steps. For details on enrolment, contact individual colleges who will be happy to help any learner find the right path.