ColegauCymru welcomes Welsh Government commitment to create a Stronger, Fairer, Greener Wales


ColegauCymru has today welcomed the Welsh Government announcement to commit to help people upskill, access fair work and thrive. The Plan for Employability and Skills outlines creating a Wales where all can receive high quality education and jobs in a green economy - allowing businesses to thrive in a way that champions fairness and equality.

Today’s announcement lists several key priorities, notably the ability for young people to realise their potential, to tackle economic inequality and to nurture a learning for life culture, and echoes the calls in our own Manifesto, Further Success: Policy Recommendations for the next Welsh Government.

ColegauCymru is also keen to progress the FE sector’s green agenda. We share the Welsh Government vision for a future Wales which is greener, and which aims to help colleges to reach net zero. This is a positive step in the right direction though more detail is needed over the months ahead.

ColegauCymru Chief Executive Iestyn Davies said,

“We warmly welcome today’s announcement. The FE sector supports people of all ages to reach their potential and thrive, and works hard to ensure a level playing field for individuals from all backgrounds.”

“The Welsh Government commitment to the Young Person’s Guarantee and learning for life can help to support people throughout their learning and working lives. Similarly, we are pleased to see a focus on ethnic minority groups and disabled people who often experience additional barriers."

"ColegauCymru is committed to working with our members, Welsh Government and other stakeholders as we continue to work towards building a brighter future for our post-16 learners.”

Further Information

Welsh Government Policy and Strategy
Stronger, fairer, greener Wales: a plan for employability and skills - summary
8 March 2022

ColegauCymru Manifesto
Further Success: Policy Recommendations for the next Welsh Government
March 2021

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