
ColegauCymru works with Welsh Government to ensure continued alignment between the CQFW and the other qualification frameworks within the UK and internationally. We also provide input and expert advice to the CQFW Advisory Group on qualification frameworks and associated activity such as the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and the validation of informal and non- formal learning (VIFNFL).  

ColegauCymru led the referencing of the CQFW to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and keeps a watching brief on the UK’s approach to future international referencing now that the UK has left the European Union.    

ColegauCymru attends the annual meeting of the Five Countries (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland) to give and receive updates on qualifications and frameworks.  

ColegauCymru has produced reports on the following: 

  • the use of RPL with forced migrants 
  • an analysis of stakeholder views of the CQFW 
  • responses to the recommendations of the 2014 review 

Research has been undertaken but not published to identify: 

  • how the CQFW is responding to the Race Equality Action Plan
  • the contribution that the CQFW can make to support the Wales Net Zero agenda 

Further Information 

Adrian Sheehan and Phil Whitney are the primary contacts for the CQFW in FE colleges in Wales.

Related Pages

Qualifications Frameworks  

Recognition of Prior Learning  

 RPL Resources 

 RPL with forced migrants and others

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