
ColegauCymru is proud to sign the Wellbeing of Women Menopause Workplace Pledge.

Women make up nearly half of the UK workforce, but many feel forced to reduce their hours at work, pass up promotions and even quit their jobs due to lack of menopause support.

This is why employers are being called upon to sign the Menopause Workplace Pledge and take positive action to make sure everyone going through the menopause is supported.

We join more than 2,500 employers, including the BBC, Tesco and Royal Mail, to sign this pledge.

Supporting women in the workplace

We’re supporting Wellbeing of Women who want a future where every single woman has access to high-quality and accurate healthcare and information.

Women’s health remains chronically underfunded and neglected with issues like heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis, infertility, miscarriage and menopause having a devastating physical and emotional impact on millions of people.

Wellbeing of Women are committed to advancing ground-breaking research, providing expert information and campaigning for better treatment, care and support.

What this means at ColegauCymru

By signing the pledge, we have committed to:

  • Recognising that the menopause can be an issue in the workplace and women need support
  • Talking openly, positively and respectfully about the menopause
  • Actively supporting and informing employees affected by the menopause

Further Information 

Find out more about the Menopause Workplace Pledge 

Rachel Rimanti, Office and Governance Manager 

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