
Here you will find several additional resources on the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

The value of Prior Learning Recognition to support a post-Covid economic recovery - July 2021 


Resources for implementing RPL 

SQF - Recognition of Prior Learning 

SCQF Guide to Recognition of Prior Learning  

SCQF RPL Toolkit RPL for Learners  

ILO Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): Learning Package  

ILO Recognition of Prior Learning

European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning

Qualifications Wales Guidance for awarding bodies on Recognition of Prior Learning

Operational Manual for the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) | UNESCO  

RPL toolkit for Education and Training Providers (ETB)

Assessment and Support for the Recognition of Prior Learning Through the Accreditation of Learning Outcomes (Agored Cymru)

PLA Inside Out: An International Journal on Theory, Research and Practice in Prior Learning Assessment


Case studies 

The University of Wales Trinity Saint Dave - RPEL Case study

University of South Wales Recognition of Prior Learning - Armed Forces Case Study

Recognition of Prior Learning in Further Education and Training (FET) in Ireland

Lessons from an Evaluation of an RPL Project in Further Education and Training in Ireland

Recognition of Prior Learning for the Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Hairdressing


Further Information 
Phil Whitney and Adrian Sheehan are the primary ColegauCymru contacts for the Recognition of Prior Learning in Further Education colleges in Wales.   

Related pages

ColegauCymru and the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW)

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