
The increasing number of forced migrants being resettled in Wales outside of the four main asylum seeker dispersal areas has led to a greater demand for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) provision and access to vocational courses and training. 

A report commissioned by Welsh Government indicated that difficulties in obtaining recognition for qualifications, skills and experience gained overseas was a barrier for forced migrants to achieve their career aspirations and there were concerns that the CQFW was not being more widely used to recognise prior learning. 

ColegauCymru undertook a study to establish the use of RPL and brought key stakeholders together to identify recommendations for the future. The study was conducted in two parts: 

  • Identifying, and research with key stakeholders in Wales involved with forced migrants  
  • A survey distributed to the FE colleges in Wales funded by Welsh Government; and a roundtable discussion with key stakeholders funded by the European Commission

In the Race Equality Action Plan for Wales there is a goal to ensure that the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW) continues to support the principles of anti-racism, recognition of prior learning and facilitates the understanding and comparison of international qualifications.  

Welsh Government Anti-racist Wales Action Plan 

Further Reading

The value of Prior Learning Recognition to support a post-Covid economic recovery 
July 2021 

Resources for using RPL with forced migrants 

UNHCR report on RPL of refugees 
What a waste: Ensure migrants and refugees’ qualifications and prior learning are recognized 

International Labour Organization 
Facilitator’s Notes: Training Employment Services Providers on How to Facilitate the Recognition of Skills of Migrant Workers 

Further information on RPL can be found below on RPL resources.

Further Information 
Phil Whitney and Adrian Sheehan are the primary ColegauCymru contacts for the Recognition of Prior Learning in Further Education colleges in Wales.

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RPL Resources

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