
The Turing Scheme is the UK’s global programme for studying, working and living abroad, offering once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for personal and professional development for learners.

The programme was launched in 2021 and CollegesWales International has successfully applied for consortium funding of over £2m for further education colleges in Wales to offer learners and apprentices life-changing experiences to train, volunteer or take part in a work placement overseas. 

The Turing Scheme recognises widening access opportunities as a key priority and is actively targeting and promoting the scheme to groups of learners who are currently under-represented in overseas mobility programmes. CollegesWales International is working closely with our member colleges to ensure that its projects support their participation in its overseas activities. 

Sian Holleran, Project Manager for CollegesWales International said: 

 "We're pleased that the Turing Scheme is offering FE learners opportunities to train, volunteer and study across the world. We have long championed the value of mobility programmes for vocational learners and are pleased to see the Scheme widen participation to A level learners and those with additional learning needs.”  

Further Information

Turing Scheme 
The UK’s global programme to work and study abroad. Visit the DfE website for further information. 

To find out more, contact a member of the CollegesWales International team.   

Siân Holleran, Project Manager 

Vicky Thomas, Project Officer  

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