ColegauCymru FE Multisport Event, Rhyl


Following the rousing success of our third FE Multisport event in Pembrey earlier this year, ColegauCymru is pleased to be hosting a North Wales event which will take place in Rhyl in October. 

Date: Tuesday 3 October 2023
Location: Marsh Tracks, Rhyl

This regional event will focus on engaging further education learners and staff in our North Wales colleges, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and Coleg Cambria. A new partner Actif Gogledd Cymru will be actively supporting the event as the new regional entity for community sport and activity in North Wales. 

The inclusive duathlon provides an opportunity for all learners and staff in FE settings to participate in their first multisport event. Previous events have welcomed participants ranging from Independent Learning Skills (ILS) learners enjoying the challenge of a group activity for the first time through to learners and staff competing at an elite level.

The duathlon embraces the principles of the ColegauCymru Active Wellbeing Strategy, which looks to help Wales to become a healthier and more active nation. The event is designed to encourage participants to improve their wellbeing through engaging in sport and physical activity with their peers, building up resilience and social skills in the process.  

Marsh Tracks in Rhyl provides a great venue for the event with a 1.25km closed road circuit being ideal for safe cycling and running. The location is central to both colleges in North Wales and will aim to promote future use of the track working closely with event partners. 

ColegauCymur Actie Wellbeing and Sport Project Manager, Rob Baynham said,

"FE Multisport Rhyl 2023 provides an exciting new opportunity for learners and staff from FE colleges in North Wales to take part in their first duathlon. The venue at Marsh tracks in Rhyl is centrally located to Coleg Cambria and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and we hope this is the beginning of a journey where more young people across the region can engage in running and cycling activity as part of their college day."


ColegauCymru is grateful for the continued support of our partners who include Welsh Triathlon, Welsh Cycling, Actif Gogledd Cymru, Disability Sport Wales, The Outdoor Partnership, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Grŵp Llandrillo MenaiColeg Cambria and Denbighshire County Council. It is hoped that this collaboration will support the event develop into an annual date in the FE calendar. 

The event is managed as part of the ColegauCymru Active Wellbeing Project and connects with Sport Wales and Welsh government funding for Active Wellbeing in FE in Wales. 

Further Information 

Please contact Sport and Active Wellbeing Project Manager, Rob Baynham, with any questions.

ColegauCymru Active Wellbeing Strategy

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