Proposed lists of unions and bodies eligible to nominate associate members of the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research


Consultation Response

Welsh Government 

Deadline for submission: 11th October 2023 

Broadly speaking, we have no objections to the list of trade unions proposed in the consultation and believe it is important that representation from our colleagues in the trade union movement reflects the recognised trade unions within the post-16 sector.

Opportunities to engage with a trade union are far more inconsistent across FE than in HE. This is often the case due to the curriculum offer being far more diverse and varied in FE, for example with apprenticeships, vocational courses and A-Levels. Though the consultation document states that NUS represents colleges and university students and apprentices, there is a concern that currently the voice of learners within the FE sector will need additional representation. This is an area that requires further consideration to ensure a balanced learner voice.

Representations from both the workforce and learners should have a positive effect on equality of opportunity provided equality monitoring was carried out. This should give due consideration to all protected characteristics as set out in the Equalities Act 2010 and consider socio-economic background also. It is also vital that there is representation that promotes and advances the use of the Welsh language.

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Policy Officer, Amy Evans, with any questions. 

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