Research and Development


Consultation Responses 

Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee

Deadline of submission: 15th November 2023 

The Innovation Strategy for Wales highlights the critical role of colleges in creating an environment in which learners can develop the skills needed to participate in research, development, and innovation, and support current and future innovation opportunities. The training that FE can offer enables the development of emerging skills which in turn will allow firms to make the best use of new technologies. FE also supports companies, particularly SMEs, to introduce new technology, processes, or products. As anchor institutions, colleges are well-placed to offer them advice and support to innovate, to improve their productivity, and to grow.

Colleges in Wales support these priorities, specifically:

• The Young Person’s Guarantee: giving everyone under 25 the offer of work, education, training, or self- employment.

• Tackling economic inequality: working to improve labour market outcomes for specific groups.

• Promoting Fair Work: encouraging employers to make work better, fairer, and more secure.

• Raising skill and qualification levels, and the mobility of the workforce.

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Policy Officer, Amy Evans, with any questions. 

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